Medicomp Physical Therapy

Medicomp Physical Therapy is a network of 23 physical therapy clinics in five Southeast states. We took Medicomp through a complete Branding effort, starting by moving all of the clinics away from their individual names to the Medicomp brand. After which, we created and implemented a comprehensive look and message through an integrated marketing effort over a six year period.


  • Medicomp is today regarded as the most recognized physical therapy brand in its home state of Mississippi
  • Medicomp’s Facebook posts reach approximately 10,000 healthcare decision makers each week
  • Medicomp clinics and their therapy staff maintain 99% customer satisfaction
  • Medicomp has the highest percentage market share in communities that it serves
  • Referrals by medical providers to the clinics is at an all time high
  • Medicomp expanded from 12 to 23 clinics in under 6 years
Athletics, Health, Health Care, Physical Therapy, Print, Websites